Tuesday, March 18, 2014

R-type II Bartop art!

This one is for a personal project of mine, based on a bartop kit from Haruman Customs.   


Control Panel:
I took influence from the R-type II port on Turbografx, the in-cockpit view at the beginning intro sequence -- mixed that with the look of R-type III:Third Lightning's cockpit view from the load-out selection screen. Here's what they looked like:

Here's a mock-up of  what the cab will look like when completed:
The stylings of the cabinet is to play homage to the classic Nintendo arcade cabinets, but in a small bartop size.  I'm taking some queues from the original R-type cabs, as well as Radar Scope, the sacrificial lamb of Nintendo cabinets. I remember the artwork was so cool because it looked as if you were peering into the cockpit. I wanted the Control Panel to have that kind of feeling, and it just happened to work out that the joystick and buttons will be close to the two handles in the art. 

R-type II was never released as a dedicated cabinet, unlike it's predecessor, only in conversion kits.  The idea is to have this be 1 player, featuring an horizontally mounted LCD monitor (given it's small-form factor). The controls are going to be 3 Seimitsu Pushbuttons, and a Seimitsu LS-58 joystick  (my favourite). So no fighting games will be played on this cab, just Shooters/Shmups, beat-ups and the classics.

Bonus:  Here's what my initial rough draft of the side-art looks like! Ugly! :)

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