Monday, March 16, 2020

Sega System 16B - Multi LCD Selector Images

The Sega System 16B - Multi is an kit that gets installed onto an System 16B board, and allows you to flash every game available to that hardware to be played on it's original hardware. Many GREAT Sega games are on it, and I'm really excited to get it into my hands.

As a member of the Arcade-Projects forum, I had the chance to help create a bunch of icons/images for an LCD Selector, to be able to switch between games.
This is a great device to really spruce up the game selection, and member Frank_fjs is the brain behind it.

With the help of a couple more members (nem, jassin000) we were able to create low res (64x32 and 128x32) versions out of the images from each game's title screens, in black and white!

Here's the complete image line-up!

The real difficulty is getting some of these detailed images into such a small pixel count.  But in the end, the work we all did really paid off and the images look fantastic on the LCD screen:

Video of the game switching/loading of the images: